Why do I need it?
We want you to feel juicy and your skin should literally glow. If you're not there, then Ayurveda has a lot to offer.
Nourishment and Capacity
Most folks are tired. Most folks are running hot and dry. Most folks don't realize how much depletion they're living in, and how much health is available to them if they nourish their body. We'll tune into your tissues elemental properties and provide remedies to restore balance. If you're hot and dry, you need cooling and nourishing remedies.
We want to help you feed your body so that you can live in a place where you feel whole. Nourishment is very important. Nourishment grows your capacity. As you keep nourishing yourself, we’ll grow your physical capacity for movement, your emotional bandwidth, and for joy, so that you can meet your life in ease.
get unstuck
To make real change in your life, we need to work somatically. It’s radical that folks are really tuning into the somatic body and how important that is to process emotions. Ayurveda has been doing this for thousands of years. We’ll find where in your body your knots are, and spend time with them so your knots unwind. You don’t need to live in any single emotion - fear, anxiety, grief, anger. Just like everything else in Ayurveda, your emotional body is a river. Your emotions should pass through you, not define you.
If your skin doesn’t glow, then you have work todo with the fire element. We want you connected to your own life force while you’re in action in your life. There may be physical blocks, more often there are emotional blocks.
deep depletion
Some folks run so cold their fire goes out. You might find yourself in the subtraction game - your diet is getting smaller and smaller. You’re not sensitive, but small things have big effects on you - mold, fire smoke, allergies, sound, light, etc. This is a deeper depletion state that requires nourishment as a first step, but additionally requires re-ignition. We need to reconnect you to your body and your life force.