Sean Jezewski
My practice is deeply rooted in my own health journey.
I was diagnosed with a degenerative disease in 2014. Looking back, I had been living with it for decades. Western medicine has no ‘cure’. I’m very grateful I found a talented Ayurvedic teacher and practitioner in DeAnna Batdorff of the Dhyana Center. We started working together in 2020, and I completed her Clinical Ayurvedic course in the spring of 2022. DeAnna lives what she teaches, and teaches her clients how to care for themselves. This is one of the fundamental values of Ayurvedic medicine — how to be proactive about your own health.
What a blessing this was for me. I don’t like to dwell on the pain I was living in, but I will say - it was bad. My physical, mental, and emotional bodies were disintegrating day by day. To say nothing of how I was showing up for myself and others interpersonally and spiritually. I’m a fighter, and I fight well, but I was losing badly. The toughest part was knowing how I wanted to engage with my world, but not having the capacity to do so.
Its remarkable the transformation I’ve experienced. A rule of thumb in this work is for every year you’ve lived with a disease, it takes a month to unwind. It took a few years for me. It took a lot of work. For me it was about survival. My compass needle was oriented towards life, and once I was given the tools, I knew which way to walk. I was very clear on the stakes and the direction to move.
Most folks today aren’t so lucky. Most folks are stuck in some degree of depletion, but can’t find the thread to pull to untangle their knots. Most folks feel degrees of anxious, exhausted, or stuck. The good news is, I’ve been in that hole. And I know how I got out. It takes work, but more of it may be easier than you imagine.
Personally, I still have knots to unwind, and parts of me to rebuild. But now my challenges have flipped around. Now I am challenged spiritually by allowing myself to feel whole. Now I am challenged by how grateful I feel for my life and my journey.
Now I am challenged with the humans in my practice, and helping them find their own way :D
I offer respect to everyone who comes through my door. This work is sacred to me, it saved my life. And I know that I’m not going to be the right practitioner for everyone. No practitioner is! What’s most important is the client, and I have a network of peers I’m happy to refer folks to if I think there’s a better fit available.
For inquiries, email info@humanclayhealingarts.com