It’s radical that folks are really tuning into the somatic body and how important that is to process physical + emotional knots. Ayurveda has been doing this for thousands of years.
This is much more than bodywork. But what is it? Here’s a map of how we can work together, so you know what is available and what you are ready for. Just like anything in life - you get out what you put in - but that doesn’t mean we need to jump into the deep end right away. We will go at the rate that feels good. I will make recommendations, but you will guide your own journey.
Ayurveda's primary assessment tool is pulse reading. There are layers and worlds within the pulse.
At its root, what I'm doing when I read your pulse is listening to your 'blood song' - the song of your heart. This song contains multitudes and layers. I like to think of these based on their timespans.
The layer of your pulse that changes the most frequently is your chakras -- your emotional / energy / spiritual body. This can change every 5 minutes. But if you're stuck in an energetic pattern, it'll show up the same. This is a great place to tune into the deeper currents of the knots your body is holding. Where are you in your life? Where are you open or closed? Where are you working hard and are burnt out? How are you showing up for yourself? What part of you needs attention?
I love starting here. Often I'll feel the chakras move under my hands as you express whats on your heart. Movement and release is what we're going for and informs the work we do together.
This layer of pulse indicates where your body is experiencing acute or chronic conditions.
Your Vikruti paints a general picture of your health in your body - your energy level (Prana), how you're processing waste (Tejas), and how you're moving fluids (Ojas). We’ll likely spend a good amount of time here because this usually represents what your body is holding, and where your knots are.
The deepest layer of your pulse is your Prakruti - what you came into this world with and your soul's contract.
This is a great place to deepen your work, your understand of yourself, and ground into the karma you are working with in this lifetime. What are your deepest strengths? What do you need to watch out for?
This is also a great place to understand if you're in a state of deep disease or depletion. Understanding this about myself was a gateway to the health I live in now. I only offer Prakruti readings in person.
Throughout our session we’ll discuss where your tissues are out of balance. Whatever state your tissue is in - hot or cold, wet or dry - we’ll want to reach for a remedy that can restore balance.
Because we’re talking about all your tissues, all the parts of your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, we’re going to discuss remedies that touch on all the parts of your life. Remedies can look like simple changes to your diet, what you put in your body and when, tips around hydration, digestion, menstruation, exercise, sleep, work, play, sex, creativity, purpose, relationships, and spirituality.
For example - if your digestion has run cold, we’ll want to discuss herbs and spices that can restore your digestive fire. If your liver is hot and dry, we’ll want to discuss diet changes that are wet and nourishing.
Practically speaking, Ayurveda has a lot to offer in the way of self care tools. These are remedies that you can try for yourself to enrich your life. Our goal working together is for you to be in your agency around your own body and your own health. Our goal is for you to live in your heartsong and your glow. Our goal is for you not to need me at all :D
Lymphatic bodywork
The condition that is endemic in the modern world is dehydration. As it is outside, in our ecology, so it is inside. There's a reason your lymph river is the first is the list of rivers. Its your primary relation to the world and the best marker for true proactive health and glow.
If you're not moving, your lymph won't move.
If you're not sweating, your lymph won't move.
If you're not hydrated, your lymph won't move.
If you're not fed properly, your lymph won't move.
If your lymph is stagnant, you're prone to depression, fear, anxitey, insomnia, hyper vigilance.
Our bodies are designed to move and glow. Your lymph needs to be moving for you to live in your health. In our sessions, we'll workout your lymph to make sure its moving. We'll discuss how you can keep it juicy and moving in your life. As your lymph gets healthier, we can address deeper knots.
This is a great place to start your journey.
These sessions really depend so much on the individual. They can be very broad or very targeted. It’s radical that folks are really tuning into the somatic body and how important that is to process emotions. Ayurveda has been doing this for thousands of years.
This is where the work deepens. Where are you stuck? Where are you exhausted? Where are you on fire? Emotionally. Spiritually.
Together, we'll find where your body is holding, where it's knotted, with these emotional knots. This work is deep. This work is slow. This work is gentle. This work is firm. This work can be quite painful to receive, if that's what's called for. For many folks its enough to go slow and deep. Your body and tissues will guide us in what you’re ready to receive and the intensity you’re ready for. If your body needs deeper work, I may recommend a Pancha Karma.
As we help you find general balance in your body in your lymph, we'll get more access to where you're holding your deeper spiritual knots.
These take time, attention, and a lot of self love. This is where the real work is. This is where you get to find out how much you can show up for you. Moving the pain, and releasing it. Finding a new rhythm of existence. Letting your body sing a new song, falling in love with that song, grieving and thanking the old song, and moving on.
We want to keep you dancing. We want to keep you juicy. We want to keep you singing along to your heart song.
This is a great tool for folks who are being proactive about their health. This is my own healthcare - I get a session once a month.
This is a deep Ayurvedic practice that traditionally can go for days or weeks at a time. In the modern world, it's hard to ask folks to give that much time. My offering is a deep 3 day ceremony designed around you, your heart, and your knots. I partner with some talented practitioners to offer a Pancha Karma designed around your needs.
Each day you will be fed each day breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We will discuss your mind body and spirit to meet you where you are and frame the work. We will spend multiple hours in session doing bodywork, whatever that calls for (netra basti, limpia, pinhda bolus, etc) each day.
We will spend deep time in your heart space - framing the work at hand, sitting with it, and finding it in your body. This is where the deepest bodywork happens. It can be very gentle. It can be very painful. A lot of emotions can get moved and released. A big part of the Ayurvedic training is learning how to meet the pain wall in the tissues. For deeper distress, for chronic pain, depletion, and or trauma we may need to really meet your pain wall and spend time with that pain for your body to release its knots.
This work requires deep rest too. After each day, you will be worked, and will sleep for hours. I don't even recommend much journaling, just process by feeling and resting. Your body knows the way.
I don't see anyone for a pancha karma that I'm not already working with. You need to have your channels open and juicy for us to do the work we need todo in a Pancha Karma.
A Pancha Karma is a great tool …
to reach for to honor yourself and deepen your practice
for folks who are coming out of a deep depletion or deep disease state
for folks who are looking to open new doors within, who are feeling stuck, and know they need something to move internally to move in new ways in their life
Needless to say, this is a deep sacred practice. One I love giving, but one that requires a lot. I only book these once/month, so booking requires finding a time in advance. I do not offer via online bookings. If you’re interested in booking a Pancha Karma, reach out