What are you ready to do?

Maybe you’re looking for gentle relief. Or you feel stuck and want help changing the patterns of your life. Maybe life is good, you just need help meeting it - building your capacity for life. (new parents).

Maybe you’re looking to be more practive about your health. Maybe you want to see how good you can feel. Maybe you want to invest in physical fitness.

Maybe you’re looking for support unwinding a larger health issue.

There are lots of reasons to engage with the work. It’s good to get clear on what you want to work on.

Find ease

The most important thing w the practices and remedies is to keep at it. You don’t have to be perfect. I’ve experienced personally great results being fairly lax about habits.

No matter what we’re working on - diet, fitness, health, habits, well being - change doesn’t have to be hard. The only thing I’ve found that works is adding practices




No pure subtraction, that doesn’t work. That leaves your body wondering how its going to get what it needs.

We want to offer your body and soul support, so it can grow in that direction before letting go of old habits.


physical, emotional, spiritual body

speak what comes up

ask your body questions, mind, soul

reconnecting mind body soul

experiencing digesting pain through expression

laugh cry fart spit yell sing

this is a big part of the work

this is alien to folks used to ‘secular massage’

but without the heart, you cannot unwind your knots

MEET THE PAIN WALL / finding the knots

A big part of the training is finding where your body is storing pain. These are the knots we need to unwind. That could be one tissue layer all over your body - maybe your muscles are tight all over. Maybe you spend too much time in front of a screen and your neck lymph is so dry its disconnecting your mind and body. Whatever it is, the work is all about meeting the pain. Spending time w the knot, until it releases. We want to apply pressure to meet hte pain where it is. Pain just needs attention. My touch is great - gentle, slow, deep. The work is about applying pressure to these tissue systems so that your nervous system can feel the weight of the pain, the knot. Once your body can feel itself, it can do something about it. It can let go of the pain.

This work is slow and deep. Healing is hard. And easy. And hard. And easy.

Thankfully the world is getting turned on to somatics - e.g. the body keeps the score. Ayurveda has been practicing this for millenia.

Knots hold emotion. When knots release its because you let yourself feel and express.

Healing is hard

I feel like I heard that along my healing journey. I was up for hard, I was up for painful, if it meant relief and health.

The thing is healing hurts. Not just along the way in a session. But after and forever more.

If you’re healing, really healing, you’re going to feel more integrated. And that means you’re going to feel more … of everything. Joy satisfaction comfort humor passion. But also sadness grief anger and pain.

The biggest spiritual muscle were working out here is your ability to feel. The muscle that lets you feel joy, is the same muscle that lets you feel pain. Pain is a teacher that doesn’t want you to fail. You need to feel it.

Your growth will be limited by how much you can feel. For some folks, feeling the bigness of joy can hurt just as much as the bigness of pain.

You need to feel them both. You need to feel.

Make room to feel

And thats where your work begins and ends.

How are you going to make room to feel?

That’s going to determine how you move through your life.