On this land, folks know fire. And our exterior, our surroundings, reflect what we hold inside.
Are you afraid of fire on this land? This land has known fire many times before. It used to know safe fire, where now it knows mostly big destruction.
How does your body react to the smoke? To fire season? To your feelings, and attachment to home, to land, to shelter, to community?
Do your relationships burn clean, and burn often? Or burn big and destructive?
In your life, do you tend your land? How are you stewarding your relationships, and yourself? Are you building hygiene, building connection, with fire?
Where are you wielding your fire with intention? What are you building? And what are you asking of your fire, in service of your life?
Where in your life do you express your fire? Where do you feel safe to do so? Where in your life do you embrace conflict?
To safely build your capacity and expression of fire, you need to build your water. You’ll learn to slow down, honor yourself, your feelings, and your fire.
You’ll learn tools to replenish yourself. You’ll learn how to feed your body and soul rest. This isn’t about trying harder, this is about learning to rest better and much much deeper.
You haven’t felt rested like this in years. The first step is honoring yourself this way, and then the real work begins.
I’ve learned the hard way, to honor my fire. And what a gift that has been for me. My relationships have flourished. My relationship to myself has transformed. My spirit glows.
In service of you, I can help you connect with hygienic fire in your life. This is deep physical, emotional, and spiritual work. Fire is not bad, it is the force of life. You will honor your heart, your passion, your drive, your thirst for life. You will find out just how much you act in alignment with your core values. You will find new strength, new resources in rest and nourishment. And a new sense of self.
This work is very challenging. It requires intention. You will push your emotional edges.
If you’re ready for a challenge. If you’re ready to meet your fire. Reach out.